Zone Activities

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Zone Activities

ZONE 3 RETREAT: This will be a 1 day lock in retreat for all Jornadistas & Pre Jornadistas within the zone.  This will done by a randomly chosen equipo of Jornadistas and Pre Jornadistas within the zone to help us continue our mental, emotional, and most importantly spiritual growth.

November 04, 2006 in Most Holy Trinity @ 8am Fall Zone Retreat Equipo:

Shawn Fung-A-Ling J-137 (Coord.)

Epiphany / Ss. Peter & Paul 

Barbara Rosa J-160 & Jorge Morales Pre-J

Most Holy Trinity

Crystal Berrios J-160 & Michael Berrios Pre-J

Our Lady of Pompeii 

 Mike Lopez J-139 & Gisselle Pre-J

St. Brigid

Marcus Henry J-146

St. Joseph Patron

Stephanie Rivera J-160

St. Mary

Ari J-154 & Alina Pre-J